Growth Group Registration

5pm-6:30pm | Starting June 5th, St. Patrick's will be launching our small-group ministry, "Growth Groups". These groups will meet on Sunday evening from 5pm to 6:30pm, for prayer, study, and fellowship. Just as Jesus gathered a group of 12, our groups will be limited to 12. We will begin with a 9-week study on the Anglican Catechism. All meetings will be at the Church. Small groups have been found to be one of the most meaningful and effective ways Christians can grow in their faith, connect with other members, and develop the life of a disciple of Jesus. We truly hope to have maximum participation from our parish and that these evenings will become an important part of our life together.
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Starting June 5th, St. Patrick's will be launching our small-group ministry, "Growth Groups". These groups will meet on Sunday evening from 5pm to 6:30pm, for prayer, study, and fellowship. Just as Jesus gathered a group of 12, our groups will be limited to 12. We will begin with a 9-week study on the Anglican Catechism. All meetings will be at the Church. Small groups have been found to be one of the most meaningful and effective ways Christians can grow in their faith, connect with other members, and develop the life of a disciple of Jesus. We truly hope to have maximum participation from our parish and that these evenings will become an important part of our life together.